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Orion Constellation Woodblock Print. Framed or Unframed

Simoons Studio Shop

A collection of constellation inspired, stylish and minimal items including, woodblock prints and light boxes. Personalisation option allows for beautiful unique and affordable gifts for a new baby or loved one or to decorate your home or nursery.

Orion Constellation Woodblock Print. Framed or Unframed

Orion constellation print black frame
Orion woodblock constellation print unframed
Orion constellation print black frame
Orion constellation print white frame
Orion constellation print white frame
Orion cnstellation woodblock print white solid wood frame
15mm wide black frame copy (2020_09_16 20_43_12 UTC).jpg
White Frame copy with measurements (2020_09_16 20_43_12 UTC).jpg
Orion constellation print black frame
Orion woodblock constellation print unframed
Orion constellation print black frame
Orion constellation print white frame
Orion constellation print white frame
Orion cnstellation woodblock print white solid wood frame
15mm wide black frame copy (2020_09_16 20_43_12 UTC).jpg
White Frame copy with measurements (2020_09_16 20_43_12 UTC).jpg

Orion Constellation Woodblock Print. Framed or Unframed

from £15.00

Beautiful unique and original Woodblock Print of the star constellation Orion (or The Hunter). Possibly the most recognised of the star constellations. This astrological night skyscape would make a truely unique addition to any home decor. Hand pulled from a ply woodblock in midnight blue, using water soluble ink.

The woodblock printing gives the print a beautifully tactile texture with each individual print being completely unique. The typed name 'Orion' is hand typed using a vintage Imperial 66 Typewriter. This gives the print an aged, old world feel in its style. Option of Black or white wooden frame.

  • Hand printed on 225gsm Imitation Japanese Vellum paper.
  • Hand typed using a vintage Imperial 66 Typewriter.
  • Size 200mm x 150mm, (approx 8" x 6" or roughly A5)

Please note each print is individually hand printed, is unique and as such may not appear exactly as the print illustrated in the photo.



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