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Our Story

Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.

Our Story

Based in Brighton UK, Simoons Studio was established in 2016. Initially designing and making constellation based paper products in the form of personalised woodblock prints and cards. The prints have since evolved into illuminated constellations within lightboxes. Please check out my shop and do get in touch if you don’t see the constellation you are after or if there is something extra special you’d like.

Aquarius and Orion ply woodblock

Woodblock Prints

Having always had admiration and love for woodblock prints this was naturally the medium to try to illustrate the individual constellations. The process involved in creating the prints begins life as a carefully drawn out image which is then transferred to a thin plywood sheet. This image is then cut out of the wood using a rotary tool and stanley knife. Ink is then applied to the woodblock using a roller and then printed onto specialist paper. There are many variables which can effect the look and quality of each print- which is the real beauty of this process. No individual print is identical to another.

Personalisation with the Imperial 66

The tap tapping of my Fathers Imperial 66 Typewriter as he writes his short stories and poems in his study is a familiar and comforting sound from my childhood. The beast that is the Imperial 66 has laid dormant amongst Octonauts and stacking cups whilst children and toddlers bash away unsympathecially at its keys. Having endured and survived this ordeal for numerous years The Imperial 66 is back, sitting pride of place in the Simoons Studio. The typewriter is used to add the text on each of the individual cards and prints. The tactile quality of the original type give the prints a vintage feel.