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Simoons Studio Shop

A collection of constellation inspired, stylish and minimal items including, woodblock prints and light boxes. Personalisation option allows for beautiful unique and affordable gifts for a new baby or loved one or to decorate your home or nursery.

Canis Major or The Great Dog constellation original woodblock print. Optional personalisation. Dog lover gift.

Canis Major or The Great Dog constellation original woodblock print. Optional personalisation. Dog lover gift.

from £18.00
Canis Major constellation otherwise known as The Great Dog, original woodblock print. A beautiful print using a deep midnight blue ink, hand printed, hand pulled. Personalise your print by adding your pets name. The perfect gift for dog lovers.

Image size 11cm x 8cm
Paper size 20cm x 15cm
Framed size 22.5 x 17.5cm
Black or White solid wood frame option

The type on the print is hand typed using an ancient Imperial 66 typewriter.

This is a unique original print and therefore may not look exactly as it does in the photo.

Check out my shop for other constellation prints and lightboxes.
Hand typed text:
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